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Detective Conan World

Emiko Seiei

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Status Updates posted by Emiko Seiei

  1. Haha yup !! We'll surely give that guy an ear full >:D

    and its okay~. lolol when you're hungry you just gotta eat. i understand~ ^^

    ever hear that ancient proverb? "eat when you're hungry." XD lol One Piece reference.

  2. lol not really sure.

    guess i just got bad luck... or in this case i guess it'd be good luck xD

  3. haha i've been caught a few times. but usually the teachers just laugh and warn me not to do it again xD.

    but this year, i mostly sit in the back, so i don't get caught xD

  4. ah i see :)

    yea i get made fun of for doing something so weird ^ ^;.

    but saying that im a good writer because of so is a great comeback x3

  5. i see. than uh you should do your best not to get caught xD

  6. no. i guess you can say, I just like taking my time in fully understanding the book.

    like i try to completely understand how the character feel or the techniques the author uses. lol but i guess that's just me being stupid for doing so xD

  7. lolol probably not as slow as me XD

    in like 15 min i can only read 8 pages D;

  8. i see :(

    but you should really find some time to sleep!

    even a short nap would be good.

  9. lolol XDDD if so, I'll be right there next to you rioting as well !

    school really does give us too much homework !

  10. yea i hope i can :D

    but it might take me awhile to get it.

    i read really slow ^ ^;

  11. awww D: poor Kido-kun !

    why does school give so much hw? >___<

  12. wow that sounds so cool ! I gotta get that book soon x3

    have you found the book to be good or is it like okay-ish~? :3

  13. I know exactly what you mean!!

    I hate it when it takes me forever to understand or do my homework D;

    i swear one day, homework will be the end of me XD

  14. Why? >__<

    what makes you have to sleep so little? D:

  15. wow :o !

    why do you sleep so little?

    that's not healthy for you, Kido-kun.

    I'm worried >___<;

  16. ikr xD

    any amount of homework is a pain in the butt for me too.

    homework takes up sooo much time D;

    lol but supposedly it's good for you xD

  17. how long have you slept for? ^^

  18. LOL not much~.

    just english and math packet. gotta read three books. write about them. i also have a science project. and math project. hmm.. and i needa study for a test. other than that i think thats it ^^

  19. oooh that sounds interesting :D

    what's it about? ^^

  20. lol no ~ just for half of the day xD

  21. yea school has been keeping me pretty busy too.

    that's why the weekend was such a relief.

    slept so much <3

  22. anything can be interesting if you make it be :)

    what kind of book did you read? ^^

  23. haha nah~. i just wanted to relax the first day of vacay. tomorrow is when i'm gonna get down to work on my homework. bcuz i have too much to do, so i cant wait 'till the last minute xD

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