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Detective Conan World

Emiko Seiei

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Status Updates posted by Emiko Seiei

  1. hmm...I wonder what it's like to be that guy in Blue's Clues :T

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      O.o huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?Blue is a girl?LOL that show is so nostalgic."Sit the thinking chair and think" hahaha

    3. Metantei Kiddo
    4. Detective MO
  2. I've known my friend for 4 years...and she still doesn't remember my birthday...

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      sei-chan, I'm not DOROGTHY> <_____<

    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      :o OH MY GOD! I am so sorry! \o/ that was a MAJOR typo!! > < idk what i was thinking! gomen nasi! >~<;;
    4. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      HOHOHO, you're forgiven sei-chan. ^__^

  3. Am I the only one here excited about school starting? x)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      French?! o.O Really? I have no idea what French books are like, but that seems rather difficult >~<. Teachers should let the students pick the books. I mean seriously?! How am I supposed to turn in good work on the book if I don't eve like the book?! xP It's like they're trying to fail us on purpose.

    3. Wildheart888



      And trust me; you won't want to read one. I swear, French books can be considered the boringest books in the universe. It doesn't matter how good the story is, but he way they write it and describe it just makes it horrid. Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      Wow o.o. That does seem terrible xP

      Can the French really be that bad of story tellers? xD

  4. my brother is trying to plan his own "surprise" birthday party....

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      haha xD i think he's too young to come up w/ such an elaborate plan x3

    3. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      Lol..nice Brother you got :D

    4. MeisterShayneLogan


      he'll never see it coming

  5. Thanks for all the birthday comments ~ <33 !!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more


      im soooooooooo sorryyyy,... -__-

      happy late birthday , what kinda of friend am i -___- *here* *poky sticks* happy birthday and im sorry =(

    3. Cindy-Chen



      I'm such a failure for not posting a birthday comment....T_T

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      @Bunny-chan: yay!! yummy pocky sticks~! :D thank you so much. haha and its okay ^__^ i dont mind if its late. at least you took the time to tell me :)

      @Cindy-chan: lol its okay. you're definitely not a failure ! dont worry 'bout it. better late then never, ne? ^w^

  6. New to DCW :D ! Very excited~ ^w^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yoyo


      welcome my friend

    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      Thanks for all the welcomes, they're very much appreciated ;D

    4. yoyo


      we hope you excited in DCW :D :D

  7. ba~na~na~! xDD

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. preciola1213
    3. Wildheart888


      Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....xP (has nothing to talk about but replying anyway)

    4. preciola1213


      It seems like the nice thing to do. I think...

  8. So did ya miss meh~? ^ ^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      thanks everyone :D i feel so loved <3

      @Natsumi-chan: *hugs back*

    3. Sakila


      Yes! Yes! Missed!! *tears of joy*

    4. IdentityUnknown


      "Even though I’m supposed to be on a “break,” I constantly find myself clicking on the little DCW shortcut, and reading forums. I minus well just come back. Sigh~ I’m so weak willed OTL"

      You too? :V

      This is why I go on anonymous. So nobody will know that I'm here.

  9. Everyone is freaking out about Irene. Is it odd that I'm not? <-- even tho I'm in the path of Irene's destruction

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wildheart888


      I don't think it's coming to Canada, is it? xPP

    3. AiSuigetsu


      heart-chan lives in canada?!

    4. Wildheart888
  10. I'm surrounded by a bunch of sick people Dx someone save me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wildheart888


      Ahhhh!! *runs around in circles trying to get rid of CC-san's sneeze*


      *crawls on carpet*


    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      oh no \o/ Heart-chan is sick.

      *runs around in circles trying to think of how to help Heart-chan*

    4. Wildheart888


      *sneezes from Carpet dust*

      <.<, CC-san.

  11. I've been getting weird headaches lately... not fun :T

    1. Show previous comments  8 more


      I hope you get better on that here *takes out * hot soup And water i hope you get better by this <3 and the headaches will stop



      In the future sorry it was late :P

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      The headaches aren't as bad now, but I'll try drinking more hot soup and water :) thanks for the advice <33 !

  12. Friends and I turned facts about Irene into controversial war >.>

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AiSuigetsu


      =_= i thought it started in fl but apparently it started in the ocean

    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      yea around the caribbean islands i think

    4. AiSuigetsu


      nyu is stubborn and random like me, and i love her for it x)

  13. can anyone explain to me why my lil' brother would start "meowing" to my hamster? xD LOL

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Metantei Kiddo
    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      @Kido-kun: yea :) but thats wat makes him so cute, ne? ^ ^

    4. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      :D Then it gets annoying after he grows up :P
  14. Lol I just realized I reached over a 100 posts xD but that's nothing compared to some of you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      *looks at KKLT's profile* ...O.O !?!?! That's almost double the amount of MM-kun's !!! Wow, KKTL-chan must have a lot of time ^ ^;;.

    3. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      ^^" You can catch up maybe 1 year later. :P

    4. Emiko Seiei
  15. Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wildheart888
    3. IdentityUnknown


      Personally...I think it means that of all sad phrases in the world, the saddest is "It might have been", for it describes someone's sadness at what could've happened...and didn't.

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      yea! i think so too. jus didn't know how to put it into words ^ ^;;

  16. Yay! The weekend is finally here!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      I hate weekend because it means triple times the homework =___=

    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      \o/ really?! that totally sucks Dx.

      for me it means a science lab report. which is so annoying.

      but i like weekends cuz i get to sleep in and go on DCW x)

    4. Wildheart888


      Woo~!! xD I finally get time to draww~! xD

  17. My 3 year old brother took his first sip of pepsi, and said "Yuck! this isn't coke." xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lovestruck


      Pepsi sucks,

      Coke is okay,

      7up the best <3

    3. Sakila


      Coke is better. Pepsi is boring.

    4. Metantei Kiddo
  18. Anybody here heard of Kat-Tun?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      Morning Musume sounds pretty good too :D! But I don't really listen to girl groups often, not sure why ^ ^;;

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      D-Date was formed about a year ago, and it has a bunch of actors, one's also a seiyuu, who belong to Watanabe Entertainment. They're all part of this thing called D-Boys. I love Seto~

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      Hmm..I guess I'll research about them later ^ ^ they sound interesting.

  19. Got a haircut, but it's too short >~< I look like a boy now D:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AiSuigetsu
    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      No it doesn't look like that D: but I do have the style that cups ur face. I wanted it to looks something like this http://www.fm-anime.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=92_226&products_id=1406 with the cool bangs and everything. But it turned out fail T^T. I can't find a picture for it though.

    4. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      I look so Asian with my new hairstyle though xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sakila


      I get it! Its jealousy!!

    3. Emiko Seiei

      Emiko Seiei

      LOL XD maybe.

      or i guess anime jus isn't popular in america xDD which is so sad. ppl don't kno wat they're missin' out on x3

    4. Sakila
  20. Wah~ Dx I somehow got stuck into planning all (most of) the trips for the rest of the year for my class grade.

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