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and I'm back! <3 :'D
Emiko Seiei
*hugs* I'm glad to be back !
(See 6 other replies to this status update)
Leavin' DCW for a bit. Sorry. Byes.
don't worry. I'll be back. just dont know when..
(See 3 other replies to this status update)
Thanks for all the birthday comments ~ <33 !!
@Bunny-chan: yay!! yummy pocky sticks~! thank you so much. haha and its okay ^__^ i dont mind if its late. at least you took the time to tell me
@Cindy-chan: lol its okay. you're definitely not a failure ! dont worry 'bout it. better late then never, ne? ^w^
(See 13 other replies to this status update)
My head hurts soo badly!!!! :'(
awww D:
try sleeping more? that usually helps..
@Heart-chan: LOL xD thanks.
You're loved too !!! <333
especially by me x3
Bored...I want to talk with someone...
(See 7 other replies to this status update)
@Heart-chan: (:
@Eva-chan: awww I love you ! and lol thanks <333
@Vawli-chan: c: that makes me happy. you are loved too
@Erza-chan: I LOVE YOU TOO <3333 :'D
TTwTT I feel so loved.
xXUntitledUser or xXEdogawa-KunXx? Choose.
xXEdogawa-kunXx !
(See 19 other replies to this status update)
I've been getting weird headaches lately... not fun :T
The headaches aren't as bad now, but I'll try drinking more hot soup and water thanks for the advice <33 !
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XD night Kido-kun~. er- well afternoon for you, really
i miss out on all the fun if i'm asleep.
but i guess i still need to sleep in order to live
maybe...I guess I should. but sleeping is no fun xD
soo...I just found $50 in my bedroom...nice, but kinda random...
it's a good omen~!
(See 2 other replies to this status update)
Christmas is just a few days away~ I'm so excited! <3
lol XD a bit late their Kuroba-san
Merry Christmas Everyone !!!! <3
Merry christmas!
Wah~ Dx I somehow got stuck into planning all (most of) the trips for the rest of the year for my class grade.
lol depends. what kind of spam? xD
I'm a class representative
and during a meeting, i was somehow stuck into the task of trips ^ ^;;
sigh~ how do I get myself stuck into these kind of situations? ^ ^;;
Wah~ It's snowing! so pretty~ <33
yes. i am ^ ^
One hour before the test!!!
Good luck! I hope you do well
hello! let's make a friends
Hello and Welcome!
@True-Tears: its really cold though > <
the weather is messed up its snowing
snow is pretty
but it makes the weather too cold > <;;