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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by KaitoKuroba

  1. Sorry I wasn't on for a long time :( I can try to fix that but its hard because PSSA'S are coming up. They are really big tests. But I'm back now! :D Your welcome! So how have you been? <3 ^^

  2. Ah Lucky! I have an english project. =.=

  3. Yea I was. I guess thats what counts :)

  4. Cool! I love reading! :D

  5. BUNNY-CHAN!!!! :D *crycrycry

  6. Yea. So hows school for you?

  7. Ran...acting like a boss :)

  8. Thats good ^^ How is school?

  9. Oh wow! Thats amazing! You found him?

  10. Yea. Has she come back recently yet? I missed her.

  11. YES!!!! i LOVE RANMA!! i just finished watching the anime episodes. XD

  12. Great! Whats about you?

  13. :( Thanks for caring. Did Bunny give you anything for Valentines Day?
  14. Well happy is when I get back from playing with my friends. It could also be energetic/hyper when I eat to much candy. :)

  15. I'm a little busy to but thats okay because I am on DCW right now :) How was your Valentines Day?

  16. I'm happy so I said YAY! ^^

  17. ^^ You can call me Kaitou-chan if you want to. So how are you?

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