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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Happy birthday, Taima-san. ^^

  2. Gotta save my sis in law, right? xP *save*
  3. *hits it with a ball; Reverse baseball *^* * *throws a Conan cosplayer*
  4. *Murders* Wasn't me. *leaves* Oh, and DCW's Hastings. *^*
  5. Oh so that's how it is, eh? Tokage-chan. xP
  6. ^^^ How I exercise while sick: Bicycle kicks. xD
  7. Are you going for IRL Round 12, Premium?

  8. IRL Round 12. Make time. Enlist. *hellhounds summoned* No pressure though. *^*

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Ah, so you're 'killing' off Alice to leave the rp? Moho cleared it?

    3. A L

      A L

      Nope, who needs his consent? :P Just do it! xD

    4. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Psht, consent is for the lawful.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  9. Oi, Mi-chan, ya should go for the 12th IRL Round. *hellhounds nod in agreement* No pressure though. xP

    1. PhiBrainChild


      Nah, I'll just end up droppin' it 'cuz of studyin' and stuff. Thanks for the invitation, though.

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      xP The round thanks ya for not droppin' it.

  10. Hey K-chan, you should join us roleplayers in IRL round 12~

    1. Show previous comments  50 more
    2. kfnnapa


      I thought that might be. ^_^ but you can still play Tales of Phantasia. Maybe Tales of Symphonia. There's plenty on portables. A lot of the console ones are very anime styled cinematics

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Symphonia I think I've seen around.

    4. kfnnapa


      *continuing conversation comment*

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Hey Soju-san~ IRL Round 12 is accepting applications. You should sign up and join the rp. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Balthazar Manfredie
    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Meh. I like doing it, but my dad thinks I do nothing all day since I'm not earning a living from it yet. -_-

    4. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      but that's the most important thing

      you have to be payed for something you do

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  12. If ya haven't yet, you should sign up for IRL round 12, Ryuu~ :D

    1. - Ryuuji -
    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Sign-ups end tomorrow~

      You should join up. ^^

  13. Fear me, Titans. xP

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. A L

      A L

      Titan: Stop spamming or I'll point those hellhounds you evaded in your direction. Get to work.

    3. A L

      A L

      Me: I'm going I'm going! *runs away for life while writing*

    4. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      ... *glares after you* We'll send Hipster Titan too if you don't behave.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Playing Elphaba in Wicked would complete my life xP
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