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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. "What?! She was a part of the forums?" Detective Caleb was shocked. "Are you sure?" Detective Caleb stopped in his tracks. "Well, I mean...we're not completely certain, since she only said she worked in a transportation company in WA, but I doubt there are many Jennifer Starlings who fit that description..."
  2. "Don't say you saw someone, he'll force us to describe the person." Sophia quietly replied. She then turned to Detective Caleb and said, "She was part of our forum, but couldn't join our convention due to work. That day at the park, we didn't recognize her until afterwards when AL remembered Jenny's real name was Jennifer Starling and she worked at Benford Industries. We understand the police is working their hardest on this case, but as part of a detective forum, we just really can't help but be curious. Isn't there anything you can tell us about the previous murders?"
  3. Officer Holden looked sympathetic. "Detective Caleb is a little busy at the moment and across town. He should be heading back soon though...it is almost time to return after all. Let me try to get him on the phone for you." Fifteen minutes later, a police car pulls up and Detective Caleb exits and enters the police station, a brief case and a file in hand. He transfers the file to his other hand and holds up a hand in greeting. "Hey kids," he smiles, though he looks a little tense. "What do you need?" "Evening, Detective Caleb," Sophia managed a sad smile, "we're Jenny--I mean, Jennifer Starling's friends...we were wondering if there was any progress on the case? And also, can you tell us about the previous murders?"
  4. "Hi," Sophia said, as she approached the available officer, glancing at his name stand. "Officer Holden is it? We're Jennifer Starling's friends...you know, the most recent victim of the serial murders." Sophia choked up a bit at the end of the sentence and took out a handkerchief to dab away at nonexistent tears, then inhaled deeply as if to recompose herself and sniffed again before continuing, hoping her act was convincing enough. " Can you please tell us details of her death and the previous Rainman Serial Killings?" [Run-on sentences errywhere @_@]
  5. Sophia ate quickly and waited for Heikki to finish before walking up to Jay. "Hey, mind giving us a ride to the police station?"
  6. @IU: I'm going to the police station, told AL but he forgot >> ----------------------------- (Will edit once on computer OTL)
  7. [sorry for not being able to write my dad's been on my computer Q-Q] Sophia headed back to the hotel for a shower after a short interrogation by the police. She was quite surprised something like this would happen on the first day of their gathering, but supposed it did make things more interesting. To be honest, she couldn't care less about the woman's death. After all, dying is simply what people do. What intrigued her more was the murderer's way of killing: by gunshot in a rainstorm with a large crowd. The gun and the crowd made enough sense, as the killer can kill quickly and flee from the scene with all the panicking people. However, why rainstorms? While doing so did make for quite a dramatic scene, it doesn't serve much of a purpose otherwise...unless it helped wash away some important evidence? She stepped out of the shower and put on a pair of jeans and a large grey sweater, deciding it would be best to hear more details before analyzing further. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She listened intently as Jay and Amber explained the murders, including the most recent one. AL asked a few questions and was able to find out about the company Starling works at. Knowing him, he was definitely going to investigate the place, so Sophia simply walked over and muttered "I'm coming with you" before going to the counter for another slice of tiramisu despite her mother's nagging about her high blood sugar.
  8. Sophia walks out the airport and sees a girl holding a sign that says "DCW Forum", and goes to join those who have already arrived. "Hi," the girl with the sign says. Her smile is easy, but a little bit cautious. "I'm IdentityUnknown, the organizer of this little trip." She offers a hand, which Sophia takes. "You can call me Jay. Most of us are here already." She nods towards some of the other people there. "That's Mark, though since he's reading the paper, I wouldn't interrupt him. Mohorovicic, that's his DCW name. Elizabeth, or Elli, or L--she goes by a lot of names--is the girl with the purple hair and combat boots. She's Sparrow. Oh, and that short girl is KKLT, also known as Amber. Just introduce yourself to the people around and you'll be fine." To her disappointment, they all seem a little preoccupied, but well, there's other people, right? A few minutes later, a tall girl joins them. Sophia ignored her until she made her way over to Mark and said "Hey! I'm Misaki!" At this she turned around and caught the girl's eye and Misaki almost immediately leapt at her while exclaiming "Suki!" They chatted for a while until Mark said "Mysterious Serial Killer Strikes Again?" and started reading the paper he handed out while muttering a few notes to themselves.
  9. Dear Anonymous, "--It would be a sin to love you, my dear sweet wolf; you will always cry for the moon." Signed, Bones ===================== Dear Anonymous, So much has happened lately, and I tried so hard to fix everything, but in the end your doubt prevailed. Why can't you trust me? Why do you tell me lies? Do you think that'll make things better? No. I hope you know that. And I hope you know I'd never lie to you. Signed, Flame ===================== Dear Anonymous, Why? Why did you? If you really wanted that to happen at least have the decency to do it a bit more discreetly so that I can't find blame in you. But no. Right in my face. I don't know what to think. I expected to much of you. Signed, Another
  10. Why does DCW look like Facebook ;______________;

    1. AiSuigetsu


      I wish it was customizable ;_____________;

    2. Lovestruck


      Lovestruck still like this.

    3. A.Haibara


      Yeah it does... A friend basically asked me if this was Facebook some hours ago...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. pshh it's not my fault im serious...most of the time xD

  12. lol even though we almost have the same amount of posts

    at least your rating is higher than mine :P

  13. sounds interesting, but school's been a bit of a bitch lately :/

    sorry, have fun thou

  14. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and have a happy new year! :)

  15. lol at first I thought it was sonoci's comic, but then i saw the link thank you so much <333 my hair is really long though, like down to my waist xD
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