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Black Demon

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Everything posted by Black Demon

  1. More postcards from Gosho: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3605281077 (to move between pages, right click and choose open in new tab). Note that the translations are very brief, so there might be minor errors on my part. If you can understand Japanese, it's better to check them out for yourself. Also those already translated above will not be posted here: Sera is (Conan's) ally, not an enemy. [Though looking at the postcard, I think it just says she's an ally. 世良ちゃんは味方です!] Gosho likes Inuyasha (in the Inuyasha series). There will be some writings about ShinRan and KazuHei, however the exact details are hidden by the fans so it could be anything. A film where the Kudou family gathers/comes together [According to Fuji btw, I couldn't make out the translation. Also Gosho didn't say that he'll definitely write that, he just said that so far it hasn't been done yet.] Ran will surely have a happy ending. "It's 'Kichi-nii'!" [no context here, probably talking about Sera's brother.] Boss is not Sonoko and the DB. James is not the boss, Vermouth is not his wife either. Some more here: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3609362212 Gin will also appear in next year's movie. "It's bluish purple (laugh). Actually, Conan also has bluish purple!" [Again, no context here. I don't know what the hell that nonsense was about...] Doesn't know when MK volume 5 will be released yet. Kaito's hair will be suitably messy a bit. [Again, don't ask me what that means...] "I don't think Conan has known Kid's identity yet..." EDIT: Missed one.
  2. Yes: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Tears_of_Love_for_the_Dark_Knight
  3. In my personal opinion, you definitely should. There's a lot of important stuffs regarding the plot going on after the final episode of the English version. It's arguably the point where Conan's plot actually began. If you like the English names, you can purchase the Viz manga, but keep in mind that newer characters will retain their Japanese names, and the English manga is quite behind in comparison to the Japanese version. No, she still hasn't found out, though she has been suspicious at times (however Conan always manages to find a way to fool her). As for how did he turn back into Shinichi/Jimmy, I'm not sure how much should I spoil you... Well, there is a new character who would help him make a temporary antidote that allows him to change back in a short period of time. Since you've watched the first 4 movies, you should know this person.
  4. Not exactly interview but here are some of Gosho's postcards (J > C > E translation): http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3605249009
  5. 919 Chinese: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3589897154 Unfortunately, there will be a 3-week-break after this file.
  6. THIS THREAD is used to discuss about SPOILERS. In other words, if you only read the English version and wish to wait for the full release instead of getting spoiled, this is NOT the right place for you! RULES OF THE SPOILER-ONLY DISCUSSION THREAD: 1. Any kind of spoiler involving the case (pictures, texts, information, full scans...) of any language that is released before the English version must be posted HERE. The English translations of the spoilers must also be posted here. 2. Any kind of discussion involving the spoilers must be posted HERE. 3. Despite being a spoiler-only thread, EVERY spoiler and discussion involving events that have not happened in the English releases STILL has to be put inside Spoiler boxes. When the file in question is fully released in English, this is not necessary anymore. 4. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler pictures are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan, like the ones we usually have). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] Or more manually: Step 1: Click the "Special BBCode" icon at the upper-left side of the edit toolbar. Step 2: In BBCode, select "Spoiler". Step 3: Enter the text that you want to put inside Spoiler boxes, then click OK. 918 Chinese: http://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-274343-1-1.html
  7. I'm actually more concerned about how the final showdown will be executed than the ending itself. Like, really worried. Especially when Gosho tends to write cases with a really hyped opening yet anti-climatic ending at times.
  8. Are you certain what you read was the interview translation itself and not someone's speculation (which can also be found here and there in the interview thread)? Because I haven't found a source where Gosho claimed that Masumi's mother is the sister either. For reference, the interview where Gosho denied Yukiko being the sister comes from SDB70+, question no. 67 specifically. Here's the translation of it. You can see the Raw version of said Q&A here. There is no mention of Masumi's mother in either of the answers, so it can neither confirm nor deny the possibility of her being one of the sisters.
  9. Go to the forum where you want to start a topic, you can find the black button written "Start New Topic" at the top-right or bottom-right area. Before posting a topic though, please refer to the Forum & posting rules and Thread reference guide and follow the guidelines.
  10. Because I don't recall he ever claimed such a thing. I only know that due to the fact that DC was originally meant to last for only a few months, many readers have speculated that the identity of the boss might have been hinted in earlier chapters. However, in one of the recent interviews, Gosho said that so far there is no hint at the boss' identity:
  11. I'm not sure I understand your question. Did you mean to ask what's the difference between the DCW forum and other sites within DCW, or the difference between a forum and other kinds of website in general?
  12. It's not a re-animation, they just directly re-used the originals. There are some minor additional scenes, but those are unimportant.
  13. We won't give you a link because that's against the site's policy, so you'll have to look around.
  14. The remastered version compiled all three episodes into one, but cut off some details to fit it into a one-hour special, so it only lasted for less than 60 minutes. The original episodes were 20+ minutes each.
  15. Are you sure you didn't watch the remastered version?
  16. I've updated the poll since we have at least 2 "suspects" now (with one acting overly suspicious). Poll about Rum's mission/objective/goal is included for wild speculation as well. Note: If you have trouble re-voting, please delete your old votes first.
  17. I'll be locking this topic considering that this isn't really "news" anymore, and there's nothing we can do to change the fact. Also to avoid necro-ing.
  18. For the convenience of discussion, I will summarize some of the important points in this file until full translation comes out. I cannot provide any detailed translation of the dialogues for now. Also note that this is derived from the Chinese translation, not the Raw, so expect some minor errors. Page 1 ~ 8 (Crime scene) After finding Akiyama's phone, they saw a mail sent at 5:32 PM. The content is: "I've found the first victim Takeda's phone inside a certain person's belongings. I'm now sending this mail to you from that phone. Since this person is a police officer, you need to find an excuse and come to that small hut in Saijosan [Note: the mountain's name]. I'll explain in details there. - Yamato Kansuke" Kansuke seems to have turned off his phone so he's out contact. Conan suggests that the mail might not have been sent by Kansuke because it wasn't his own phone, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave an incriminating evidence there. Kuroda counters this (after making suspicious comments as spoilered earlier) by saying that he probably didn't have enough time to get rid of it. He also shows that the victim had Kansuke's number black-listed, possibly in order to prevent him from finding the phone. On the rope that was used to hang Kano, Kansuke's fingerprints were found on both the upper part AND the part surrounding the victim's neck, which Koumei said hadn't been touched by anyone until the forensics arrived. Kuroda orders Kansuke's arrest as the prime suspect for the serial murder. Kuroda tells them to retreat to the police station because Kansuke wouldn't stay around the mountain area after they came. Akiyama's body was left there for the moment because it's dark and the ground's muddy after the rain. Kuroda tells Saegusa to return in his car because there won't be enough room inside Koumei's due to the wheel at the backseat, while grinning suspiciously. Page 9 ~ 14 (Inside Koumei's car) Koumei reveals that there has been a similar hanging case in the past. The parents of the bank robbery suspect [mentioned in the backstory] committed suicide by hanging themselves. After Kansuke arrived at the scene, he said that they could possibly still be saved, climbed up a chair and untied the rope. However, unlike the current case, the rope was tied to the roof beam instead. The rope hanging Kano was tied with two loops [see image], Kansuke held the upper loop to put the body down [see 915 images]. Conan asks the positions of everyone after that. [see 915 images for clearer views] Conan asks if there was anything that could distract everyone's attentions, Koumei tells him about the message. [see 915] There are similarities between the police officers' names and the names of the generals that died during the fourth battle of Kawanakajima: Takeda Shigeru = Takeda Nobushige; Kano Shouji = Hajikano Tadatsugu; Akyama Shinsuke (former surname Aburakawa) = Aburakawa Nobuyoshi; Saegusa Mamoru = Saegusa Morinao; Yamato Kansuke = Yamamoto Kansuke. So Saegusa Mamoru and Kansuke are most likely the remaining targets. Koumei tells the story about the bank robbery: The suspect was about to surrender, however, Takeda's group acted rashly, which enraged the suspect and he began shooting. Takeda had no choice but to kill him. Yamato was mad at this and asked Takeda if he thought that it was alright for him to kill the suspect since he was a police officer. Apparently the suspect's phone had been lost. Before he was killed, he was speaking with someone on the phone: "If I'm caught then you will be done too. The origin of the gun and X will be exposed..." On Yui's phone, Kano was saved on Ta-gyou. This is because his original surname was Tsuchiya (土屋), but was changed after his marriage. He's currently living separately with his wife.  Page 15 ~ 16 (Police station) Kansuke's still out of contact, but this time his phone is busy instead. Saegusa reports that someone has spotted a person resembling Kansuke, and is going to confirm that, but doesn't have a car. Kuroda orders Koumei to lend his car to him. Kansuke sends Koumei a message: "The events of the past are like a current." [This is a literal translation, it seems to be a poetry of some kind.]
  19. Detailed spoilers (in Japanese) with more images: http://nagarebosihosihosi.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-188.html (Special thanks to Conan#1)
  20. 916 spoilers: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3514077858 Translation of the first pic's full text by vonikay: Finding the clues to solving cases from an unexpected viewpoint, the brains backing up Sleeping Kogorou's deductions. That's what they say about you at Police HQ, Edogawa Conan-kun." Conan: *obviously thrown off guard* "Oh, really?" Btw, it seems the 2-week-break mentioned in the recent interview will be after THIS FILE, not after the series.
  21. All(?) Q&As in one place (special thanks to Ran 5-5 from DCTP Spoiler Cbox for sharing the link): https://twitter.com/conan_anokata I'm not sure if there's anything important that we haven't covered though. Q1:青山先生の自画像は梨がモチーフ? A:あれは茄子。 Q2:鈴木史朗と次郎吉の関係。最初二人は従兄弟設定だが、現在、園子は次郎吉の姪設定。 A:説明がめんどくさかったから,、姪っこにしちゃった。(姪が正しい) Q3:今の子供達に作品を通して感じ取ってもらいたいと考えているか? A:夢を持って諦めないこと。 Q4:ジンが乗ってるポルシェの番号はどうやって考えたのか? A:あれがかっこいいからした。ゴロだとかなんとか思っちゃうけど、ない。 Q5:(伊達刑事について)ナタリーさんのこととか知らないのに、高木刑事に任せたのは本当に指輪のことだけなのか? A:たぶん高木なら手帳の中を見てナタリーに行き着くだろうと。指輪を渡してナタリーをよろしくってことだった。 Q5追記 まだ深読みしていいってことですね? そうですね! Q6:緋色の真相でなぜ優作がアカデミー賞に行かなかったのか?(有希子が沖矢に変装すればいい) A:身長。赤井秀一と優作は同じくらい。胸を掴まれて見られると予想してる。ブラとか見えたらマズイ。 Q7:コナンと怪盗キッド、どっちが好きですか? A:どっちも好き。同じくらい。 Q8:赤井さんはなんでいつもニット帽を被ってるのか? A:好きなんでしょうね。 夏でもニット帽なんですか? そうですね。 Q9:灰原哀が小さくなる前の、身長や誕生日など公表して頂けないでしょうか? A:まだ決めてないです。たぶん、エピソードに絡めてくると思いますので。 Q10:佐藤警部補と宮元警部補、白鳥警部の年齢を教えてください。 A:たぶんみんな28?オレのイメージ。由美と美和子は絶対同い年。 チュウキチと同い年ですか? あーどうなんでしょうね。ちょっと上か、同じかですね。 Q11:コナン君はすごいハードなアクションとかしてますけど、ちょっとありえないかなって動きって? A:大抵ありえないですね。あのスケボーアクションとかね。キック力増強シューズのスイッチ入れて~ Q12:(鳥取砂丘コナン空港)コナン君と蘭ちゃんの絵で苦労したところは? A:Tマーク。あと、蘭ちゃんの髪の毛、結んでまとめてるの珍しい。 Q13:平次と和葉は東京に良く遊びにくるが、そのお金はどこから? A:おかんに貰ってる。和葉も平次も、どっちも親に貰ってる。 (質問者は青山先生の知り合いの娘)次の川中島の4話目?で携帯にその名前が出ます。(偶然) Q14:ボスのメアドで倉吉の市外局番など、鳥取のこと出してもらったりしてるんですけど、今後はないんでしょうか? A:倉吉の市外局番は偶然。機会があれば色々出そうと思います。 Q15:青山剛昌が先生がしてみたいコスプレキャラは? A:白い奴。 Q16:(天国のカウントダウンで)蘭ちゃんだけは10年後は映画の中では見れてない。大人になった姿を見れる機会はありますでしょうか。 A:あ...るかな。あ、あ~ありますね。そういえば。 Q17:キック力増強シューズ、今までダイヤル式だったのが、気づいたらタッチ式になってたんですけど。 A:そうだったの?くるっと回すんだよ。たぶん間違い。回すほうが正しい。 Q18:緋色シリーズでサンデーだと赤井さんの目が開いていたが、85巻だと閉じている。変更した理由は? A:やっぱ、開いて開けるほうがいいかなと。たぶん、キャメルがかたむき走行している時に赤井は頭を打ってる。 車が傾いてる時、赤井さんどうなってるんですか? かっこつけてる。
  22. There's not necessarily anything in plain sight that we can find in the notebook right now (trust me, I've tried XD). But according to the full Q&A regarding this issue, Gosho is implying that Takagi still haven't learned about Date's real intention for entrusting him with the notebook yet (i.e it's not just about the ring, or perhaps the ring has a bigger purpose that we don't know). Translation by Spimer (original post):
  23. More from Fujiwara: From https://twitter.com/mabest22 How exactly are Jirokichi and Sonoko related? --> She's his niece. Where will Heiji confess? --> Gosho: I don't know yet. Is the Tsuutenkaku not good enough? Fan: If it's gonna be abroad, how about Australia? Miyamura lives there after all... Gosho: Ah, Miyamura, I see. Well, you'l find out~ In December, Gosho was hospitalized for 2 weeks. (Due to this there will apparently be a 2-week break after the Kawanakajima case.) From https://twitter.com/aptx0915 It's a good idea to take a closer look at Detective Date's notebook.
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